But Google never saw Google Code as a potentially profitable

GitHub was also talking to Google about a deal

I annoyed about the Microsoft acquisition. I Canada Goose Jackets like GitLab (even though they rm rf their prod database lmao) and I giving them a shot. mostly because I like their runner and wanna try it out with EKS now.but Google acquiring GitHub would been a fucking nightmare. (obviously Oracle would been worse). Google canada goose coats is cool tech purgatory. GitHub would gotten a little cooler maybe in the near term. maybe. and then it would withered and died. at least Microsoft will do something with it. But they cater to devs. They’ve for Canada Goose sale long time considered devs a huge driver to their success. I think their dev products are actuallly used and designed by devs, consumer products are design by focus groups, designers, pms looking to justify their existence. And they show, mass of useless features and impedi,ents to power use.That a very apt observation. In fact for years there was clear lines in the sand drawn between “Windows” and DevDiv (the folks that make developer tools and products). The changes we see now including open sourcing so much, VS Code, even Azure all come from leaders coming up from DevDiv.Still, lennybird point is accurate more often than not.When Apple was new it grew huge uk canada goose and was the smart, hot, high tech company. That changed by the 90 and Apple was damn near bankrupt in the late 90 (Michael Dell, which was doing very well joked at the time that Apple should be shut down.) Apple was smart enough to buy NeXT, bring back Steve Jobs. Apple became the hot tech company again.And we can argue endlessly about whether Apple is canada goose clearance hot canada goose uk outlet tech anymore, or if they have lost their mojo.Same pattern happened with Microsoft started canada goose coats on sale off small, grew, got fat cheap Canada Goose and canada goose factory sale happy, missed the boat entirely uk canada goose outlet on mobile, and seems now to be making a resurgence with their Surface line and other innovative approaches.IBM. Heh. How about companies like WordPerfect and Lotus?This Canada Goose online is what happens when you put canada goose a finance person at the helm of a high tech company. They handle buy canada goose jacket what should be technical design decisions as business risk decision. The fiscally reasonable (and to a certain extent, fiduciary responsibility to share holders) direction to go is the less innovative, incremental Canada Goose Parka improvements to a great product and protect the shareholder. Jobs (and Jony Ives) were relentless perfectionists and significant risk takers, they were willing to take risks because they had a vision for what they wanted in a product and pushed to ensure their vision was accomplished, even if that meant it wasn in the best interest of the share holder. The same happened at MS, Dell, HP and other high tech behemoths that grew out of solid and innovative engineering companies, lead by visionaries that understood what it took to innovate and during the change of guard a finance person was placed at the helm to “keep the ship on track” only to have the magic die because they didn foster cheap canada goose uk an innovative culture driven by a leader that understood the value of innovation.The crazy ones are typically the more successful ones. Not only are they crazy enough to dream it up, but they crazy enough to think they can make it a reality and then actually do it.One company is canadian goose jacket an ad company that makes most of its money from developing products that mine data about behaviour and sell targeted advertising around that behaviour. They have primarily succeeded in doing this around search, email and smartphone devices, but have had less successful plays in social networks. It is likely their long term strategy is to mine data and behaviour in developer activity for information that is valuable to their revenue stream: advertisers.The tech firm on the other hands makes its money from selling software. Its main plan here is to build a platform much like the developer platforms it has had in the past to steal back some canada goose store developer mindshare and perhaps make their other platforms (including their operating system), more attractive and valuable by having better apps. They have stolen this https://www.canadagoosestorevip.com play from canada goose outlet Apple circa 1999 2006.Both companies have potential downsides in that they could be motivated to look inside private repos for IP that they can steal. We assume they not bad actors, but that is an issue.Developers flip their canada goose uk black friday shit at the tech company buying another tech company that serves tech companies or at least tech functions inside non tech companies, and has a strategy to make those tech people at those firms more productive and efficient.But it almost got sold to the ad company. Google, FFS!And even more weird: the developers all seem to have forgotten it a decentralised version control system we talking about here. You don need to “move” to another VCS host: you canada goose black friday sale can have multiple upstreams. That the point.I think the community dodged a bullet here. But Google never saw Google Code as a potentially profitable enterprise product, just a kind of giveaway to the open source community, so they let it stagnate. A couple of examples:They were really slow to adopt new technologies. No Mercurial until 2009; no Git until 2011.The Markdown implementation for their wiki pages (or maybe it was Textile or something, I don remember) was so broken that every element in an ordered list was numbered “1”. So a list would look like this:.

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